Virtual Parent Support

The connection between a child and their parent is so important, yet many times parents don’t know how to best support their child’s unique needs. Part of my job is to educate parents. A child is only in therapy for an hour a week. They spend most of their lives at home.
Empowering the parent with knowledge is where the true change happens.
These support sessions are a conversation between me, a pediatric Occupational Therapist, and you, the parent or caregiver. This is not a replacement for direct OT services, in fact, I never really interact with the child.
Virtual Support is a great option for parents who:
- Are on a waitlist for OT but would like some general suggestions to implement now
- Would like more education on sensory processing, regulation, picky eating, general development and more!
- Are frustrated by some of the behaviors they are seeing at home and don’t understand why they are happening.
- Want a better routine, but don’t know how to implement it.
- Would like some ideas on how to support their child’s growth and development.
- Want to learn more about strength-based, neurodiversity-affirming therapy.
- Want recommendations for books, podcasts, etc.
- Need strategies for co-regulation

Ready to chat? Here are the next steps:

Choose Your Sessions and Schedule:
Purchase one at a time, or in a set of 3, which will save you $60!
The sessions can be used at your leisure, but expire after a year.