An On-demand Course for New and Soon-To-Be OTs and COTAs
Stressed Student to Thriving Therapist was developed out of an idea to help support our OT students transition into their career with more confidence, knowledge, and insight. I’ve seen lots of new OT’s be taken advantage of because they simply didn’t know what red flags to look for when interviewing with companies. They end up in positions with very high caseloads, insane productivity, no work-life balance, and no mentorship. This is a one-way road to burn out. Let’s avoid that.
This course will answer many of the questions and thoughts new grads have:
▫️What do I include in my resume?
▫️What questions should I expect in the interview?
▫️What’s a typical salary? How do I estimate what I need to make to survive?
▫️What should I expect in terms of benefits?
▫️How do I know if an employer is going to be a good one?
▫️What don’t I know???
▫️How do I know if they are Neurodiversity affirming?

At your own pace, you’ll learn how to perfect your resume and prepare for interviews. Remember, an interview is to help you decide if they will be a good fit for you!. We’ll discuss the pros and cons to different environments and share some red flags to look out for when interviewing. Learn how to negotiate your salary and benefits and feel more confident as you start your new job!
We’ll go over how to prevent burnout (because you don’t want to experience it in your first year) and how to deal with imposter syndrome. Here’s a secret…we all experience it at multiple points in our careers, but there are strategies to defeat it!
At the end of the course you’ll have all the information you need to make the best choice possible when choosing where to begin your career and a few resources to take with you to help you start out on the right foot.

The program will include lessons on:
Resume + Cover Letters
- Including 2 resume templates and examples of resumes as different points in an OTs career
- Learn what to include and how to organize it
Insights into Pediatric Positions
- Learn where to look for postings, and review pros + cons to working in EI, Outpatient Pediatrics, Telehealth, or in the schools
- How do I know if a company is Neurodiversity Affirming?
Interview Questions + Negotiation
- Reviewing and practicing questions that might be asked of you but also questions you should most definitely be asking them
- Minimum yearly salary Estimator
- Learn what red flags to look for
- When and how to negotiate your offer
Preventing Burnout
- Learn my tips for organizing and documentation with included templates
- Why we need to set boundaries from the start
What To Do When Imposter Syndrome Shows Up
- Let’s defeat it together
- 3 Themed Activity Guides to support treatment planning with 16-20 activities, templates, and suggestions
- Organization Templates
- Documentation templates
- Discount on 1:1 mentoring to support course material (10% off)
Who this group is ideal for:
▫️You are just about to graduate or recently did and are looking for help transitioning into the pediatric OT world.
▫️You want help making your resume and cover letters as good as they can be!
▫️You’re feeling nervous about the interview process and would love some insight.
▫️You don’t want to burn out in your first year of practice.
▫️You want to feel more confident and ready to take on your first clients as an OTR or COTA.
Who this group isn’t for:
▫️You’ve already landed your dream job
▫️You’re looking for mentorship support with your caseload. I have a group or 1:1 options for that!
▫️Those who want help passing the NBCOT – While you are welcome to join the program before you take your NBCOT, we will not be going over any test prep material in this program.
Course Contents Sample