on-demand Webinars for Occupational Therapists, Teachers, and Parents

Learn with me through self-paced webinars

Daily Documentation

Learn how to be more efficient and concise with the note writing process. we review how to write a great note that includes all the elements you need, without taking you 20 minutes to get everything down. 


Women playing with child with writing: GAS Workshop: transforming the goal writing process

Goal Attainment Scaling

A 60-minute, self-paced workshop designed to provide therapists with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively use GAS in their practice. 

Motor Planning Master Class

A 3.5 hour self-paced webinar to deepen your understanding of praxis, including how to assess and treat. 




What is the root cause of attention challenges? This 3-hour webinar looks at 4 possibilities: sensory processing, postural stability, vision, and sleep.


Sensory bins don’t have to begin and end in a mess. This 60-minute webinar will share strategies to effectively use sensory bins in your OT session in a purposeful and therapeutic way!


We’re no longer spending hours to perfectly plan your OT session. We’re using a child-led approach to not only save time, but allow the child to engage in meaningful, preferred play routines all while working towards goal achievement. 

Coming soon...

Regulation Reframe

Sensory Basics for the Parent